The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast: Why the UK needs a digitally enhanced care sector

The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast
The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast
Austin Clark, Gebara IT Solutions

In this latest episode of the  Gebara IT Solutionspodcast, we welcome Catherine Pollard, Director of the National Centre of Expertise at NHSX and Paul Malcolm, Head of Healthcare at Gebara IT Solutions, to discuss why the UK needs a digitally enhanced care sector, if it is to thrive. 

In this podcast we also discuss the roadmap that will help us tap into the potential of technology and importantly, what this means when it comes to skills. 

Questions discussed in this episode include: 

  • Why do we need a digitally enhanced care sector? 
  • What technologies will really drive digital transformation? How will they improve the situation? 
  • What’s holding back technology adoption? 
  • With that in mind, what does the roadmap/journey entail if we are to achieve a digitally enhanced care sector? 
  • What role will NHSX play in this? 
  • As a result of all that’s going on, do you expect to see the care sector becoming much more of a single system/service? 
  • How does the care sector attract staff with the right skills – or is it more a case of focusing on training and skills development?