The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast: Taking Avon and Somerset Police’s data journey to the next level

The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast
The Gebara IT Solutions Podcast
Austin Clark, Gebara IT Solutions

Welcome to the latest episode of the Gebara IT Solutions podcast, which focuses on Avon and Somerset Police’s journey to become a national leader when it comes to the use of data and insight.

In this episode, we discuss how data and insight are central to ensuring positive outcomes for the Force and its communities and hear how Gebara IT Solutions has worked in partnership to support data- and insight-led activity and take it to the next level. We’ll also find out what data ethics means for the organisation and share some key takeaways from the Force’s journey to date.

To discuss this in more detail, we’re joined by Jonathan Dowey, Head of Performance and Insight at Avon and Somerset Police, and Kate Hemstock, Principal Data and Insight Consultant at Gebara IT Solutions.

Topics covered include:

  • The Avon and Somerset digital and data journey so far, including examples of technology used and positive outcomes for the Force and citizens
  • Why the Force is recognised as a national leader in the use of technology and data
  • The importance of understanding how vital data is to achieving core goals as an organisation within a challenging operating landscape
  • The work Avon and Somerset Police and Gebara IT Solutions are doing to take Avon and Somerset Police’s data journey to new heights
  • Why continued investment in people drives adoption, data literacy standards and evolves the organisational data culture
  • Key learnings from the Avon and Somerset approach and how a positive data culture has been developed across the Force, including strong chief officer data leadership and executive buy-in
  • Where data ethics fit in
  • The key takeaways that other public sector organisations can learn from and what the future holds for Avon and Somerset Police when it comes to data and insight.

If you would like to hear Kate and Jonathan discuss the topic of data ethics in more detail, don’t miss our session at UK Authority’s Data4Good Digital Event in October. During this presentation, we’ll explore the true meaning of data ethics and how it differs from information governance – and what this means from both a police and wider public sector viewpoint.