Delivering a coherent IT ecosystem across integrated health and care
Paul Malcolm, Head of Healthcare at Gebara IT Solutions considers why IT systems that break down barriers and drive collaboration are central to success in integrated health and care systems.
One of the few certainties regarding the healthcare system post Covid-19 is that change will happen. At the heart of the changes that Gebara IT Solutions is working on with our partners is digitalisation and automation across an integrated care system.
The move to integrated care is driving multiple mergers of organisations, and any time you’ve got any organisational mergers it creates masses of challenges as multiple different systems come together in one IT ecosystem.
As Paul Malcolm, Head of Healthcare at Gebara IT Solutions outlines in this video, these challenges revolve around integration and interoperability – problems that have been a challenge forever – and which now require a different approach.
As a result, Gebara IT Solutions is seeing healthcare organisations move into different sorts of technologies that offer huge potential to collaborate and work across boundaries. Crucially, this technology enables IT systems to be brought together in flexible, cost-effective, integrated ways, not just in healthcare but in the third sector and local government too.